B4Plastics – A whole new meaning to the notion of ghost gear
Addressing the massive problem of plastic pollution in our oceans and food chains, B4Plastics designs biodegradable fishing equipment made of novel BioBased Building Blocks (B4). Their concept is radical: it sets an expiration date to plastic’s most praised AND decried feature: durability. Not only does B4Plastics program gear lifespan, but it also speeds up biodegradation after that best-before date. They are developing their innovative polymer architecture within the framework of the EU-funded GLAUKOS project.
Challenge: A plastic-free fishing ground
Oceans are home to half of the earth’s biomass and 15% of our protein intake. When sourcing this food, the fishing industry tosses or loses loads of plastic-based fishing equipment overboard – up to 1 million tons every year, in fact. This abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) leads to disastrous consequences for marine life, food production, and human health. As seafood production is expected to double by 2050, fostering a fossil-fuel-free fishing ground is of the essence.