A selection of food reshapers to inspire you!

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  • Good Food Institute: Finding Sustainable Solutions Through Alternative Proteins 

    Innovative solutions that can transform the food system

  • The Food Systems Dashboard – Understanding the Сomplexities of the Food System 

    Innovative solutions that can transform the food system

  • Amazing Spaces: How Spiral Farming Could Revolutionize Urban Growing 

    Innovative solutions that can transform the food system

  • The Future is Farm Fresh: How SecondBite’s Food Rescue Model Could Feed Australia’s Food Insecure 

    Innovative solutions that can transform the food system

  • Pumpkin Plus, Making the Sandbars Bloom

    Innovative solutions that can transform the food system

  • NovFeed: Turning Fruit into Fish

    Innovative solutions that can transform the food system

  • Aquagrain: New Life for Poor Soil

    Innovative solutions that can transform the food system

  • Transfarmation: From factory farm to sustainable enterprise

    Innovative solutions that can transform the food system

  • ThermoSeed – A Swedish Seed Solution

    Innovative solutions that can transform the food system

  • Rich Earth Institute: In Search of Liquid Gold

    Innovative solutions that can transform the food system

  • Nabahya Food Institute is Starting a Fire in the DRC: Briquettes for a Cleaner Environment   

    Innovative solutions that can transform the food system

  • Aquagrain Creates the World’s First Sustainable Crop Feed from Animal Waste

    Innovative solutions that can transform the food system

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