Shenggen Fan

Chair Professor at China Agricultural University

Shenggen Fan (樊胜根) is a Chair Professor at the China Agricultural University where he heads The Academy of Global Food Economics and Policy, Former Director-General for the International Food Policy Research Institute (ifpri), he has worked on rural development, poverty reduction, hunger, food security, and nutrition in China, India, and Africa. 

Q: What do you see as the most pressing issue(s) in reshaping the global food system?

Food systems are both victims and contributors of climate change, natural resource degradation, and biodiversity loss. The COVID-19 pandemic is a wake-up call that should force us to use all available tools – policies, technologies, institutions, and investments included – to address the pressing need to completely transform our food systems, for human and planetary health.

Q: What would you like to achieve by being a member of the Food Planet Prize Jury?

Help select game-changing Prizewinners with the potential to tackle some of the greatest food system challenges in areas as diverse as policy, institutions, technology and partnership.

Q: What unique experiences or knowledge do you bring to the jury?

As a former Director-General of IFPRI and present Chair Professor at China Agricultural University, I have the unique experience of leading research on- and designing innovative agricultural and food systems policies that improve nutrition and health, as well as support the environment in both developed and developing countries.

More about Prof. Shenggen Fan

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