
2022-11-13 1 minute read

ColdHubs designs and operates solar-powered cold rooms that cut food loss by 80% ; yet are so cost-effective that the poorest farmers can afford them and so holistic that they address 12 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, incl. zero hunger and clean energy.

Launched in 2015, ColdHubs has built 72 solar-powered cold rooms – 54 of which are self-operated in outdoor markets of Nigeria – and two refrigerated trucks. It’s now gearing up to launch 40 more hubs and soon enter Benin, Rwanda, Kenya, and more.

“The entire ColdHubs team and I are incredibly grateful to the Food Planet Prize Jury and the Curt Bergfors Foundation for this wonderful recognition. We’ll cherish it forever! The award money will accelerate our expansion, save at least 43,800 tons of food annually, create at least 80 jobs for women as Hub Operators, and save more than 1,000,000kg of C02.”

Nnaemeka Ikegwuonu, ColdHubs’ CEO

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