A Jury of global distinction

Identifying the solutions with the most significant potential for impact requires world-class expertise and a wealth of experience. Therefore, the Food Planet Prize has enlisted leading specialists in complex Food Planet challenges to assess the initiatives we have vetted. Each year, this group votes on a winner of the Food Planet Prize.

Our international jury counts ten members, representing the very best of academia, business, non-profit, civil service, and practical work within food.

With members located on four continents and in all parts of the food system, the jury reflects the diversity of perspectives needed to understand and evaluate the broad range of nominations we receive. Co-chairs Johan Rockström and Magnus Nilsson act as moderators.

  • Clara Coleman

    Second-generation owner of Four Season Farm

  • Franco Fubini

    Founder and CEO of seasonal produce marketplace Natoora

  • Gina Giugni

    Second generation biodynamic farmer and Founder of Lady of the Sunshine Winery

  • Johan Rockström (co-chair)

    Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

  • Lindiwe Sibanda

    Extra-Ordinary Professor, University of Pretoria, Faculty of Natural and Agriculture Sciences

  • Line Gordon

    Director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University

  • Magnus Nilsson (co-chair)

    Michelin Star Chef, organic apple farmer and Director-General of the Curt Bergfors Foundation

  • Olivier De Schutter

    Co-chair of the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems

  • Paul Polman

    Business Leader, Campaigner, Co-Author Of "Net Positive: How Courageous Companies Thrive By Giving More Than They Take", a Financial Times Business Book of the Year. #3 Thinkers50.

  • Shenggen Fan

    Chair Professor at China Agricultural University

Nominate yourself or someone else, it takes three minutes and could change the world!